On our latest show: some good bluebird, blackbird, and grackle talk -- along with audio postcards from Florida and Mexico.
On our latest show: some good bluebird, blackbird, and grackle talk -- along with audio postcards from Florida and Mexico.
On our latest show: Smart bird feeders; bluebirds in our backyard; and a great California bird festival.
On our latest show: Hear the latest chapter in the Ivory-bill saga; RIP Pale Male; and news from the Science Corner.
On Our Latest Show: Birding backpacks in Texas; Buses going electric in Boston; and cool birds nesting in the Talkin’ Birds Garden. Guest: Joy Klumpp.
On Our Latest Show: House Wrens, Habitat Heroes, Duck Stamps, and Summer Tanagers.
On Our Latest Show: Bird Banding in Thunder Bay, Ontario; Tree Swallows nesting in the Talkin’ Birds Garden; Chimney Swift towers going up in Ohio; and a Conservation Salute to the State of Washington.
On Our Latest Show (#830 5/2): Dawn Chorus Day; martins on the move; and a new discovery about how birds keep warm in cold weather.
On our latest show: Fantastic flights of winter finches; Rick Wright on The Future of Birding; Mike O’Connor on crazy bird names; and the State Bird of California.
On Our Latest Show: Saving grassland birds in Arkansas;; a Hooded Warbler in Kentucky; and why not everybody loves House Wrens.
On our latest show: Birding from a wheelchair; the extra benefits of feeding bluebirds; penguins talking like people; and the smallest bird in the world.
On our latest show: The decline in grassland birds, and what folks in the Dakotas are doing about it; how noise pollution affects nesting birds; the Ruddy Duck’s struggles in the UK; and Mike tells us about the most abundant bird in the world.
On our latest show, storyteller Al Batt explains how he keeps warm in his Minnesota backyard (heading to 29 below today!); Mike O’Connor offers pros and cons about putting up roosting boxes for birds; and Debbie Blicher reports on a new camera that lets people see the way birds do.
On our latest show: Following the birds by car, bike, and kayak; the “Flicker Dance"; and Wisdom the Albatross does it again.
On today's show: Turkey myths shattered; great binocular and scope advice; and why birds love organic wine.
Saving birds by turning off the TV...tower lights. And a bird that's nice to look at but hard to spell!
On today's show: the amazing history of bird feeding in America; an Alaskan island is alive again; and why you may be killing your bluebirds with kindness.
Live by the Whooping Cranes at the Patuxent National Wildlife Refuge in Laurel, Maryland.