On our latest show: An Osprey welcomes (or tolerates?) a House Sparrow family; Freya McGregor sends a Kookaburra Audio Postcard from Australia; and we get an update on the first-ever Blind Birder Bird-a-Thon from Martha Steele and Jerry Berrier.
#1,002 Sept. 8, 2024
On our latest show: Birding in the city — and in community gardens; how the Flying Steamer Duck got its name; and Wood Storks spreading their wings — and flying north.
#971a Feb. 4, 2024
On this special re-broadcast, Charles Barkley calls us Bird Nerds; we talk to Will Valentine about his Birdbrain podcast and black birder pioneers; and Mike O’Connor talks about Ospreys vs Bald Eagles.
#954 Oct. 01, 2023
On our latest show: We hear all about All About Birds with the Cornell Lab’s Hugh Powell; we learn about the fishing superstar, the Osprey; and we get the word about discouraging Wild Turkeys from our man, Mike O’Connor.
#921 Feb. 12, 2023
Something completely different on our latest show — we air a call-in to a sports podcast co-hosted by NBA legend Charles Barkley (with a bird — and Talkin’ Birds — connection). Will Valentine helps us celebrate Black History Month with some Black naturalist trailblazers. Plus, it’s Osprey vs Bald Eagle on Cape Cod, and we meet the bird sometimes called the Flying Rainbow.
#894 July 31, 2022
On Our Latest Show: A Least Tern Audio Postcard from San Diego; a Science Corner report on how extreme heat affects bird populations; and an unexpected sighting by Mike O’Connor.
#851 Sept. 26, 2021
On Our Latest Show: A favorite bird of Herman Melville; feeding peanuts in the fall; and a Conservation Question about bottled water.
#843 Aug. 1, 2021
On our latest show (#843 8/1): Wild bird rehab; a mockingbird vs. cat audio postcard; an update on a mysterious bird illness; and a conservation salute to a surprising electric car adopter.
#832 May 16, 2021
On our latest show (#832 May 16, 2021): Sebastian Moreno tells us about Latino Outdoors; we celebrate a milestone for Bird Names for Birds; we get an Osprey Audio Postcard; and Mike explains the problem with puddles.
#831 May 9, 2021
On our latest show (#831 5/9): Spring Migration talk with the great Kenn Kaufman; the “best bird mom”; a cicada explosion; and cautious optimism about climate change.
#775 April 12, 2020
On our latest show: Tracking an Osprey from the Bay State to Brazil — and back again; the resourceful Yellow Warbler; and owls in Mike O’Connor’s nest boxes.
#676 May 13, 2018
On our latest show: Snowy Owls, Black-legged Kittiwakes, and Atlantic Puffins in trouble; a concrete solution to a global emissions problem; and a Mother’s Day salute to the single moms of the bird world.
#517 March 15, 2015
Bringing back the Heath Hen, and the Ivory-bill...and the Wooly Mammoth.
#483: July 20, 2014
The falcon that thinks it's a vulture, and some good news about Ospreys.
#229: August 23, 2009
Scott Weidensaul explains why shade-grown coffee is essential for the survival of birds. Also, we hear a bird that sounds like a frog, and Mike O'Connor solves an Osprey mystery for a listener.
#124: August 19, 2007
The Elvis Bird meets...Elvis. And why they're linked by the year 1935. Also today, a last minute caller identifies our Mystery Bird, and our man Mike O'Connor gives us some good Osprey talk.