On our latest show (#1,028 Mar. 9): An Audio Postcard from Key West, Florida; advice about pet fur and bird nests; and a hawk that acts like a heron. Hear it here: Talkinbirds.com/archive
#1,025 Feb. 16, 2025
On our latest show: World Migratory Bird Day; an audio postcard from Tennessee; and advice for pigeon problems.
#974 Feb. 25, 2024
On our latest show: ABA Big Year superstar Gino Ellison wows us about how many species he ID’d in a single year. Plus, we meet one of the most spectacular birds in North America, and Mike offers a listener some help with his pigeon problem.
#896 Aug. 14, 2022
On our latest show: A Pocket Guide to Pigeon Watching with author Rosemary Mosco; the songbird that catches fish; and Mike O’Connor’s experience with a bird song ID app.