On our latest show (#1,018 Dec. 29): Part Two of Scott McMorrow's shorebird audio postcard from California; Alberta birding guide, Ariane Inman, as our special guest; and a backyard New Year's Resolution idea from Mike O'Connor.
#964 Dec. 10, 2023
On our latest show: A Pileated (Audio) Postcard from Yosemite National Park; the great Al Batt’s November nature observations; and one of our favorite 2023 guest interviews.
#956 Oct. 15, 2023
On our latest show: Pileated Woodpeckers, Barred Owls, and White-eyed Vireos from Florida; a chocolate chickadee from Alaska; and mysterious bird sound advice from Cape Cod.
#907 Oct. 30, 2022
On our latest show, author Joan Strassmann explains the joys of Slow Birding. Plus, we meet a bird with a plume on its pileum, and Mike talks about Rhode Island Reds, and Red-billed Queleas.
#813 Jan. 3, 2021
On Our Latest Show: “America’s Amazon”; the Bird of the Year; brisk backyard bird bathing; and the cascading calls of the Canyon Wren.
#798 Sept. 20, 2020
On our latest show: legends of the Burrowing Owl; the new Peterson Guide to Bird Behavior; and cold weather gets blamed for a big bird die-off in the Southwest.
#731 June 9, 2019
On our latest show: We learn about Oregon woodpeckers; ocean warming’s disastrous impact on seabirds; and the remarkable Ruby-crowned Kinglet.
#627 June 4, 2017
On our latest show: A live birding report from Nova Scotia; a maniacal-sounding woodpecker; and bottled water without the bottles.