On our latest show (#1,029 March 16): World Sparrow Day; an Acorn Woodpecker Audio Postcard; and the International Pellet Count citizen science project.
#1,009 Oct. 27, 2024
On our latest show, we listen to an Acorn Woodpecker audio postcard from California; feature a rare visitor also in the Golden State; and talk with a couple of river heroes from Washington, DC.
#993 July 7, 2024
On our latest show, we revisit how to create a Homegrown National Park, with Doug Tallamy; we hear some cool birds from Oregon and British Columbia; we get oriole-feeding advice from Mike O’Connor; and we celebrate the start of Plastic-free July.
#978 March 24, 2024
On our latest show: Birds in the Sierra Nevada foothills; saving the Greater Sage-Grouse; fighting plastic pollution with water filters; and Mike O’Connor on Red-headed Woodpeckers, and the right way to deal with insects on your trees.
#936 May 28, 2023
On our latest show: The New York Times gets into birding; child psychologist Dr. Geraldine Oades-Sese talks about mental health, diversity and inclusion, and the power of birding. And we listen to avian audio postcards from Utah and New Mexico.
#899 Sept. 4, 2022
On Our Latest Show: An Acorn Woodpecker Audio Postcard; a Birding Festivals preview; curbing Canada Geese; and platform feeders for backyard bird action.
#770 March 8, 2020
Our Latest Show originates from Massachusetts Audubon’s 28th Annual Birders Meeting Event, with Chimney Swift researcher Dr. Margaret Rubega as our special guest, along with birding author Susan Edwards Richmond, and the Birdwatcher’s General Store’s Mike O’Connor.
#731 June 9, 2019
On our latest show: We learn about Oregon woodpeckers; ocean warming’s disastrous impact on seabirds; and the remarkable Ruby-crowned Kinglet.
#551 November 29, 2015
On today’s show: Christmas Bird Counts, Project Feeder Watch, birds performing rituals, and a salute to the Global Marchers.
#515 March 1, 2015
The amazing Acorn Woodpecker; and birds vs. wind turbines.
#344: November 13, 2011
The amazing Acorn Woodpecker; Boston's Emerald Necklace; and more feeding advice from the Bird Watcher's General Store.