On our latest show (#1,029 March 16): World Sparrow Day; an Acorn Woodpecker Audio Postcard; and the International Pellet Count citizen science project.
#1,022 Jan. 26, 2025
On our latest show: a bird that fits right in with the big snowfalls in unlikely places; a Science Corner report on birds communicating during nighttime migration flights; and Mike’s explainer about mixed flocks.
#1,018 Dec. 29, 2024
On our latest show (#1,018 Dec. 29): Part Two of Scott McMorrow's shorebird audio postcard from California; Alberta birding guide, Ariane Inman, as our special guest; and a backyard New Year's Resolution idea from Mike O'Connor.
#979 March 31, 2024
On our latest show: a final(?) Flaco the Owl update; avian audio postcards from Vermont and Massachusetts; and the Wonderful World of Woodpeckers with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Kevin McGowan.
#978 March 24, 2024
On our latest show: Birds in the Sierra Nevada foothills; saving the Greater Sage-Grouse; fighting plastic pollution with water filters; and Mike O’Connor on Red-headed Woodpeckers, and the right way to deal with insects on your trees.
#813 Jan. 3, 2021
On Our Latest Show: “America’s Amazon”; the Bird of the Year; brisk backyard bird bathing; and the cascading calls of the Canyon Wren.
#700 Oct. 28, 2018
The bird that inspired a birding legend; saving birds from building crashes; the world’s first bird-friendly sports arena; and the clever Corvus corax — all on our latest show (#700!)
#484: July 27, 2014
The woodpecker that likes its trees crispy—and can birds cope with a warming Arctic?
#463: February 23, 2014
Our guest: Big Year Champ Neil Hayward and a woodpecker who's not big on drumming.
#336: September 18, 2011
A Virginia listener translates from German to identify our Mystery Bird; we feature a tern that doesn't dive for fish; and Mike O'Connor helps a listener who's "wonderin' where the woodies are."
#291: October 31, 2010
Our Halloween show features a visit from the "bird of doom." We also chat live with the Prince of Plum Island and with our correspondent in the Caribbean. And Mike O'Connor offers some practical solutions to your woodpecker problems.
#180: September 14, 2008
We hear about wrestling Mockingbirds, the wonders of Block Island, and the only "true migrant" Eastern woodpecker.
#171: July 13, 2008
We "return to those thrilling days of yesteryear," hear a most unusual-sounding bird, and try to solve a mystery about some nocturnal woodpeckers.