On our latest show (#1,029 March 16): World Sparrow Day; an Acorn Woodpecker Audio Postcard; and the International Pellet Count citizen science project.
#962 Nov. 26, 2023
On our latest show: A citrus-scented seabird; avian audio postcards from Minnesota and California; good advice on buying binoculars; and International Bird Rescue’s JD Bergeron.
#760 Dec. 29, 2019
On our latest show: Enjoying the pleasures of Seawatching! (Watching seabirds from shore); fighting for migratory bird protection; getting the most out of your binoculars; and meeting the “Heckle and Jeckle” bird.
#754 Nov. 17, 2019
On our latest show: The surprising thing that helps juncos attract mates; seabirds starving in the fish-filled Bering Sea; and the bird that some call “Spoony.”
#738 July 28, 2019
On our latest show: Good news about Piping Plovers from Boston and Chicago; bad news about seabirds eating plastic; birds communicating egg-to-egg; and Mike explains why birds put food in birdbaths.
#479: June 29, 2014
The "old man" of the sea and the amazing Sparrow Halo story.
#456: January 5, 2014
Winged pirates of the sea and smartphone birding ethics.
#360: March 4, 2012
Fresh from being portrayed by Anjelica Huston in "The Big Year," seabird trip leader Debi Shearwater joins us live in studio. And we meet a bird that looks like an anvil.
#353: January 15, 2012
Smithsonian Tours' David Clapp joins us as we talk about seabirds and mating owls. And we learn about the perfect gift for the birder on your list (if 10 million dollars fits your budget).
#287: October 3, 2010
We feature a bird from the Rockies; we stump our listeners on a Mystery Bird from the Atlantic Ocean; and Mike O'Connor helps a listener from down south.